
Cylindrical Porcelain Fuses


Miro Fuse RO06-RO58

Protection against overload and short circuit in electric lines (type gG), also available for protection of semiconductor parts and equipments against short-circuit (type aR) and protection of motors (type aM). Rated voltage up to 660V; Rated current up to 125A; Working frequency 50Hz AC; Rated breaking capacity up to 100KA. Compliant with GB13539 and IEC269.

  • Katagori: Silindirik Porselen Sigortalar
  • Etiketler: Sigorta
Variable cross-section fuse element made from pure metal sealed in cartridge made from high-duty ceramic or epoxy glass. Fuse tube filled with chemically treated high-purity quartz sand as arc-extinguishing medium. Dot-welding of fuse element ends to the caps ensures reliable electric connection; Striker may be attached to the fuse link to provide immediate activation ous signals or cut the circuit of micro- switch to give variautomatically.Special fuse as per Figure 1.2~1.4 can be supplied according to customers requirements.